Author and publish your own material or customize books from the LawCarta Catalog. Create a book using a rich text editor and offer it on LawCarta either as an open source, or free for a restricted audience, or for a price you select. Any profits made through sales on LawCarta yield authors a minimum of 50% royalty. With Lawcarta, you can make minor revisions or publish new editions on your own schedule, independent of larger publishing companies.
LawCarta’s entire system logic revolves around the concept of a hierarchy which can be viewed as a constraint.

LawCarta’s cloud architecture dissolves the constraints of legacy POS systems by eradicating on-site servers and consolidating computing processes in a single co-location of cloud servers. This centralized structure drives organizational cohesion and efficiency through capturing the full benefits of cloud computing such as scalability, serviceability, reliability. Scalability provides on-demand power, dynamic load balancing and durable growth trajectory. Serviceability is able to inherent replication effortlessly, multiplies new stores, and cuts IT costs via remote system updates. While reliability has redundancy and automatic failover to keep all your stores running.

LawCarta’s system has created accessibility to view real-time aggregate metrics at an enterprise level or drill down to store specifics in a single interface. Also, manageability by intelligently balancing store autonomy and brand alignment to enable hyper-local engagement. Lastly, usability by delegating operational functions at a feature level to elevate employee productivity and corporate confluence.
Gastro VIew is a hi-tech software that discovers and tags anomalies in Capsule Endoscopy pictures. It is achievable to reduce the time of inspection and analysis of the picture established from the capsule.
Because of difficulty of medical analysis of the small intestine, the use of capsule endoscopy is the single operational procedure to inspect this section of the digestive tract.

The device uses Deep Learning expertise to understand how to automatically discover polyps in medical pictures of the digestive system. Categorizing digestive organs in capsule endoscopy pictures means to identify advanced semantic image types. To do this, a classification organization has been created.

Enhanced accuracy and reduced time of diagnosis
- Reduced examination time by up to 70%
- Increased discovery of lesions
- Improved quality and effectiveness of screening
- Categorizes digestive organs in capsule endoscopy photos
MedScan medical device peforms a quick, automatic search for sizeable groups of CT or MRI records for medical cases that are similar to any particular scan. This aids doctors in finding past cases and examinations that displayed related lesions or unusual transformations to those in the patient that was examined, which is helpful in the diagnosis procedure.
There are millions of 3D examinations carried out every year, generating an enormous and exceptionally valued source of medical information. However, there is a lack of automatic tools for searching these files.

The medical device firm uses the most resourceful deep learning methods employing three dimensional convolutional neural systems. Educated on massive amounts of three dimensional scans, deep networks offer precision in shortening 3D content and quickly comparing data samples.

Produces valuable and precise search results
- Aids doctors in finding historical cases and investigations
- Helpful in the diagnosis procedure
- Quickly compares data samples
- Processes great amounts of data.
Currently targeting the auto industry, the Boost engine captures 1.8 million private vehicle sellers each month, structures the data, and uses marketing automation to deliver those consumers and valuable used car inventory to our dealer clients. Boost’s nationwide footprint provides unique private party seller data that is valuable in multiple automotive verticals. The private seller market makes up nearly one third of the used vehicle transactions each year (>$200B), but is largely ignored and untapped. Boost runs multi-channel campaigns (phone, SMS, email, & display) for its dealer clients to drive private sellers to their lot to sell their vehicle and buy their next one.
Auto dealers have very little margin in new cars, making used cars much more important to their business. Auctions, historically their main channel for vehicle acquisition, have grown more competitive, so they’re always looking for ways to acquire more used inventory. Many dealers have tried turning to the private seller market, but find it too labor intensive and time consuming for it to be a meaningful and sustainable channel for acquiring inventory.

Boost Acquisition’s technology platform provides dealers with an automated way of filtering and marketing to these private seller leads. Dealers can set their preferred vehicle criteria and Boost’s engine will identify these sellers in real-time, reaching them with customized, multi-channel, automated campaigns to assist the dealer in acquiring this inventory and customers.

Boost Acquisition’s data science platform and expertise enables the auto industry to efficiently acquire used vehicle inventory and customers from the private party seller market.